CITE Japan
Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan |
17 - 19 May 2023
Cosmetic Ingredients and Technology Exhibition Japan
The Cosmetic Ingredients & Technology Exhibition Japan (CITE JAPAN) will be held for the 10th time this year. To commemorate this 10th anniversary, we plan to select and award the products, techniques, and services displayed at CITE JAPAN 2021 that contribute to the cosmetic industry and have superior innovativeness and impacts.
15 May 2023
Clariant will showcase the science of sustainable beauty in CITE show in Japan
As a global leading specialty chemical company with a sound reputation in the beauty care and personal care industry, Clariant will highlight at the upcoming 11st Cosmetic Ingredients & Technology Exhibition (CITE) in Japan how it leverages science and technology to bring out the best of sustainable beauty. The exhibition will be held on 17-19 May 2023 at the Pacifico Yokohama.