15 Oct 2024
Envalior Fakuma 2024 press kit
Envalior (a merger from DSM Engineering Materials (DEM) and LANXESS High Performance Materials), is at Fakuma 2024, where they will debut with a comprehensive array of solutions aimed at advancing key applications across trends such automotive lightweighting, powertrain electrification and sustainability.
Fakuma will take place from October 15 to 19, 2024, at Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center. You can find Envalior’s stand in Hall B4, number 4302.
Envalior at Fakuma 2024
Envalior is highlighting sustainable plastics at Fakuma 2024, Messe Friedrichshafen, Hall B4, Stand 4302, October 15-19. The leading provider of engineering materials is also showcasing material solutions for key future trends such as electromobility, fuel cell technology, autonomous driving, lightweight construction, renewable energy generation, water management and the digitalization of everyday life.
Envalior announces sustainability ambitions to decrease carbon emissions
To fulfill Envalior’s sustainability aim, to be a global leader in sustainable high-performance engineering materials, the company announces its new Sustainability Ambitions and that it has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
Envalior launches a new range of sustainable Pocan® PBT compounds based on bio-circular BDO
Envalior is excited to announce the launch of Pocan® X-MB series of new polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) compounds based on bio-circular 1,4-butanediol (BDO). The sustainable content of the thermoplastics is certified and classified in accordance with the ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) standard. The precursor for bio-circular BDO is used cooking oil, which does not compete with food production, as it is a second-generation feedstock. Envalior will be showcasing the new bio-based PBT compounds at the Fakuma trade show, Oct. 15 to 19, 2024, at Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center. You can find Envalior in Hall B4, Stand 4302.
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Envalior auf der Fakuma 2024
Envalior stellt auf der Fakuma 2024 nachhaltige Kunststoffe in den Mittelpunkt seines Auftritts. Außerdem präsentiert der führende Anbieter von technischen Konstruktionswerkstoffen Materiallösungen für Schlüsseltrends der Zukunft wie Elektromobilität, Brennstoffzellentechnik, autonomes Fahren, Leichtbau, regenerative Energieerzeugung, Wassermanagement oder die Digitalisierung des Alltags. Die Fakuma findet vom 15. - 19. Oktober 2024 in der Messe Friedrichshafen statt. Der Stand von Envalior hat die Nummer 4302 und befindet sich in Halle B4.
Envalior führt neue nachhaltige PBT-Compounds Pocan® auf Basis von biozirkulärem BDO in den Markt ein
Envalior bringt derzeit mit der Pocan® X-MB-Reihe neue Polybutylenterephthalat-Compounds (PBT) auf den Markt, die auf biozirkulärem 1.4-Butandiol (BDO) basieren. Der nachhaltige Anteil in den Thermoplasten ist nach dem ISCC Plus-Standard („International Sustainability and Carbon Certification“) zertifiziert und ausgewiesen. Ausgangsstoff für das biozirkuläre BDO ist Altspeiseöl, das als Rohstoff der zweiten Generation nicht in Konkurrenz mit der Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln steht. Envalior stellt die neuen biobasierten PBT-Compounds auf der Messe Fakuma auf seinem Stand 4302 in Halle B4 vor. Die Fakuma findet vom 15. bis 19. Oktober 2024 in der Messe Friedrichshafen statt.
Reader enquiries
Envalior Deutschland GmbH
CHEMPARK Dormagen / Gebäude F 29 | Room 410
41538 Dormagen
Notes for editors
About Envalior
Envalior is a global leader in Engineering Materials with over 4,000 employees worldwide. It was established in 2023 through the merger of Lanxess Performance Materials and DSM Engineering Materials. With a long track record of customer-driven innovation, Envalior specializes in developing sustainable and high-performance material solutions. Focus markets include Automotive, New Mobility, Electronics & Electrical, and Consumer Goods. For more information, visit www.envalior.com.
The information contained in this document reflects Envalior’s knowledge at the time of the last revision of this document. Any statements made are not legally binding and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee for a particular use. It is the responsibility of our customers to verify the suitability of a specific Envalior product for the intended use.
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Editorial enquiries
Candace Roulo
Maged Ochoa Ferrazzini